祁文静,郭 昱.冻融频数对透水混凝土质量损失的关系的研究[J].水泥工程,2024,37(3):93-96 |
冻融频数对透水混凝土质量损失的关系的研究 |
A study on the relationship between freeze-thaw cycles and reduction in quality loss of permeable concrete |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 透水混凝土,冻融试验,相对弹性模量,质量损失 |
英文关键词: permeable concrete, freeze-thaw test, relative elastic modulus,quality loss |
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摘要点击次数: 136 |
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中文摘要: |
透水混凝土的抗冻性是在寒冷地区的重要强度以及耐久性指标之一,根据本文对透水混凝土试块进行的不同次数的冻融试验,研究发现透水混凝土内部的细小裂纹会沿着一定方向持续扩张,当扩张到一定程度时,原本不连通的孔隙将相互连通。通过测定透水混凝土弹性模量的相对变化来评估其破坏状态,相对弹性模量冻融次数达到70次时,试块质量仅下降0.74%,且表面无明显破坏痕迹,但测定弹性模量使用的动弹仪主要是依据内部的基频折损来评价混凝土的破坏状态,故透水混凝土与弹性模量关系有待进一步研究。 |
英文摘要: |
The frost resistance of permeable concrete is an important strength and durability indicator in cold regions. Based on the freeze-thaw tests conducted on permeable concrete specimens, this study reveals that small cracks within the permeable concrete continuously propagate in a certain direction. When they reach a certain extent, initially isolated pores become interconnected. The relative change in elastic modulus is measured to evaluate the damage status of permeable concrete. It is observed that the mass loss of the specimens is only 0.74% after 70 freeze-thaw cycles, with no significant surface damage. However, the evaluation of the concrete’s damage state using the dynamic modulus tester primarily relies on the internal fundamental frequency attenuation, thus the relationship between permeable concrete and elastic modulus requires further investigation. |
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