朱 波,郭脉兴,郭碧君,李 哲.蒸汽低氨燃烧技术在我厂的应用[J].水泥工程,2018,31(6):22-24
Application of steam low ammonia combustion technology in our plant
中文关键词: 蒸汽低氨燃烧  NOx排放  关键技术  操作要点  能耗指标
英文关键词: steam low ammonia combustion  NOx emission  key technology  operation points  energy consumption index
朱 波 山东东华水泥有限公司 
郭脉兴 山东东华水泥有限公司 
郭碧君 山东东华水泥有限公司 
李 哲 山东东华水泥有限公司 
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      为减少了NOx的排放量,满足环保要求,山东东华水泥有限公司于2014年在其两条5 000 t/d熟料生产线新上了两套SNCR脱硝系统。技改工程利用现有条件,在不影响窑炉生产的情况下,利用窑炉检修期间,对水泥窑炉系统、预热器系统、煤粉燃烧系统、三次风管、C4下料管、C4和C5上升烟道撒料盒及烟气脱硝系统整改。利用余热发电饱和蒸汽与煤粉气化产生的水煤气、煤产生的CHi、CO等还原物质,与烟气中的NOx进行反应,降低NOx的浓度,从而减少SNCR中氨水的用量、降低成本,达到环保超低排放标准的要求。
      In order to reduce the emission of NOx and meet the environmental protection requirements, Shandong Donghua Cement Co., Ltd. introduced two sets of SNCR denitrification systems in two 5 000 t/d clinker production lines in 2014. Under the existing conditions and without affecting the kiln production, during the kiln maintenance period, the cement kiln system, preheater system, pulverized coal combustion system, tertiary air duct, C4 feeding pipe, C4 and C5 riser flue spraying box and flue gas denitrification system are rectified. The saturated steam generated by waste heat power generation is used to react with reducing substances such as water gas, CHi and CO produced by coal gasification to reduce the concentration of NOx in flue gas, thus reducing the amount of ammonia in SNCR, reducing the cost and meeting the requirements of environmental protection and ultra-low emission standards.
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