姬洪宇.新型干法水泥生产线原料粉磨旁路热风 余热回收系统方案探讨[J].水泥工程,2014,27(1):79-81
新型干法水泥生产线原料粉磨旁路热风 余热回收系统方案探讨
Discussion on waste heat recycling scheme for bypass hot gas of raw material mill
中文关键词: 原料磨系统  旁路废热  余热发电  发电量  装备
英文关键词: raw material system  bypass waste heat  waste heat power generation  generating capacity  equipment
姬洪宇 中国中材国际工程股份有限公司(南京) 
摘要点击次数: 2770
全文下载次数: 105
      The annual running rate of New dry process cement firing system is generally 85%, and the design running rate of raw material mill is about 60%, which means there is 25% running rate difference which will lead to heat wasting during outage of raw material mill. And moisture contents of raw material of rainy season and non rainy season are different(water content of most raw material in rainy season reaches 3%~5%, and 2% in non rainy season), which also results in drying heat being not fully utilized in non rainy season. So to develop waste heat recycling power generation system for bypass hot gas of raw material mill has practial significance. Based on the potential waste heat analysis and calculation, the capacity of power generation system was calculated, the feasibility of power generation equipment was analysed and the process and layout were discussed.
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